PLEASE ONLY COMPLETE THIS FORM IF YOU HAVE A CONSULTATION BOOKED. If you do not have a consultation booked, please call us on 1800 021 064 to schedule an appointment. PERSONAL DETAILSSelect *Patient TitleMrsMsMissMrMstMxDrPatient TitlePatient Surname *Patient Given Names *Patient Preferred NamePatient Date of Birth *Gender *FMXPatient Address *Suburb *State *Post Code *Home PhoneWork PhoneEmail Address *Mobile PhoneSchool YearSchool NameWork NameOccupationCompetitive Sport PlayedMusical Instruments PlayedMedicare Card *Patient's Position # *Expiry Date *Dentist's Name *Dentist's Suburb *Doctor's Name *Doctor's Suburb *What are your main concerns about your teeth?Please list family members who have or are being treated with HVOWILL YOU BE BRINGING ANY CURRENT X-RAYS TO BRING TO YOUR APPOINTMENT? *YesNoIf there is any possibility that you may be pregnant, please inform the staff. PARENT/GUARDIAN 1 DETAILSSelectTitleMrsMsMissMrMstMxDrTitleSurnameGiven NamesDate of BirthStreet AddressSuburbStatePost CodeWork PhoneHome PhoneMobile PhoneEmail AddressWork NameOccupationRelationship to Patient PARENT/GUARDIAN 2 DETAILSSelectTitleMrsMsMissMrMstMxDrTitleSurnameGiven NamesDate of BirthStreet AddressSuburbStatePost CodeWork PhoneHome PhoneMobile PhoneWork NameOccupationRelationship to Patient ACCOUNT DETAILS Please indicate who will be responsible for the payment of accounts by percentage.Self *Enter %Parent/Guardian 1 *Enter %Parent/Guardian 2 *Enter %Other *Enter % HEALTH DETAILSAnother (2nd) orthodontic opinion from us *YesNoPreviously treated with braces or plates *YesNoTeeth extracted *YesNoDamage to teeth *YesNoDamage to face *YesNoJaw joint problems *YesNoTooth grinding habit *YesNoThumb or finger sucking habit *YesNoAsthma *YesNoMouth breathing problems *YesNoSinus problems *YesNoMigraine headaches *YesNoGrowth problems *YesNoPhysical disabilities *YesNoAre you taking bone medication** *YesNoAny medical conditions** *YesNoRegular medications** *YesNoAllergies to medications** *YesNoLatex Allergy *YesNoDo you smoke *YesNo- if so, how many per day** Medication/Medical Condition/Allergy DetailsSUBMIT