Meet our Specialist Orthodontists
Our specialist orthodontics are here to help you every step of the way, providing a wide range of treatment options to straighten teeth.
A confident smile is your greatest asset
Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 830am to 530pm
Contact : 1800-021-064
Our specialist orthodontics are here to help you every step of the way, providing a wide range of treatment options to straighten teeth.
Specialist Orthodontist B.D.S. M.D.Sc MOrthRCS(eng) MFDSRCPS
Specialist Orthodontist B.D.S.(Otago) Dclin Dent(WA) FRACDS PhD
Specialist Orthodontist BDS, MFDS RCSEd, DCD (Ortho) (UWA), MRACDS (Ortho)
Specialist Orthodontist BOH, BDSc, FRACDS (GDP), DClinDent (Ortho) (UWA), MRACDS (Ortho)